About Us

About Us

Mike & Gilli Greaves- We  moved to live here at Gary Sud, Gary on Midsummer day 2004 having bought the property two years earlier.

We brought our horses, piano, all our furniture and belongings and settled in to renovate and transform the property.  Our fields were overgrown, we had no stables or buildings outside and what is now our beautiful garden was a mass of chest high brambles.  An old pear tree was all that remained of any garden that had been there before.

We now have stables, a barn, a vegetable garden, a lawn with flower borders and a heated swimming pool.  We have a flock of sheep, 2 horses and our forest provides the raw materials for most of our heating.

We also created a holiday property, called Butterfly Cottage, to the rear of our home which provides independent comfortable cottage style accommodation for up to 5 persons with the added benefit of being able to become integral with our farmhouse if we wish for the purposes of courses,  from Easter through to October each year. Please contact me if you would like to come out of season.

We also run themed courses as I am a Trapped Emotion Therapist, Sekhem with Reiki Master/Teacher & Runic Shaman.  I also provide treatment sessions in all disciplines.  Please have a look at the appropriate page on this website if you are interested.